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Showing posts from May, 2011

Building a Hadoop cluster

I've recently had to build a Hadoop cluster for a class in information retrieval . My final project involved building a Hadoop cluster. Here are some of my notes on configuring the nodes in the cluster. These links on configuring a single node cluster and multi node cluster were the most helpful. I downloaded the latest Hadoop distribution then moved it into /hadoop. I had problems with this latest distribution (v.21) so I used v.20 instead. Here are the configuration files I changed: core-site.xml: hdfs://master:9000 hadoop.tmp.dir /hadoop/tmp A base for other temporary directories. # Variables required by Mahout export HADOOP_HOME=/hadoop export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/hadoop/conf export MAHOUT_HOME=/Users/rpark/mahout PATH=/hadoop/bin:/Users/rpark/mahout/bin:$PATH # The java implementation to use. Required. export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home hdfs-site

Working with VMware vShield REST API in perl

Here is an overview of how to use perl code to work with VMware's vShield API. vShield App and Edge are two security products offered by VMware. vShield Edge has a broad range of functionality such as firewall, VPN, load balancing, NAT, and DHCP. vShield App is a NIC-level firewall for virtual machines. We'll focus today on how to use the API to programatically make firewall rule changes. Here are some of the things you can do with the API: List the current firewall ruleset Add new rules Get a list of past firewall revisions Revert back to a previous ruleset revision vShield API documentation is available here . Before we get into the API itself, let's look at what the firewall ruleset looks like. It's formatted as XML: datacenter-2 ANY 1023 High 1 ANY < Application type="UNICAST">LDAP over SSL 636 TCP ALLOW deny 1020 Low 3 ANY IMAP 143 TCP < Action>ALLOW false Here are so